We recognize that marriage can be difficult, filled with ups and downs, trials and struggles, but we also believe that marriage can be incredible, filled with love and joy. Unfortunately in our current culture many are struggling in their marriage more than they are celebrating. This is why we have a team of marriage mentors who believe in you and your marriage. They are ready to walk with you in whatever marital season you are in. Because the truth is, we are not meant to do life alone. We need community. We need friends and we need mentorship.

Marriage mentoring is the process of having a seasoned and experienced couple (nobody said anything about being “perfect”) come alongside a less experienced couple to help show them ways to navigate marriage, to give them tools and resources to enhance their life together. 

Does it work? 82% of couples report wanting to have a mentor couple walk with them. Second, research shows that couples who have marriage mentors are happier and healthier.

Enough said. It works. 


Sign up to have a marriage mentor reach out to you within the next 72 hours.